happy to know some new frens fr emmanuel efc
will be joining them for sunday service n care group too
my weekend was not spent wisely
it was spent on sleeping n eating........
dun reali hv mood to do my tutorial......
quizzes are coming.....
tis week would be week 4 adi......
10 more weeks n exam will be here.....
everything is rushing like hell...
i dun like tis feeling......
last time i used to think tat uni life would be fun.....
well, tats not true.......
im having no fun at all......
it's juz all study study n study......
i miss form 6 life.....
n i miss home too......
tis degree course is almost driving me crazy......
more pressure than when im working full time.........
but sometimes we need to pay for wat we expect in life......
i hope i'll get over it eventually.....
let it be out of my mind......